If you’re considering joining YouTube as a business, it’s important to know what type of videos you can use to reach your audience. Whether or not you choose to perform in your own video, with a little creativity, you can create something in a category that gains your business videos the attention, and eyeballs, it deserves.


One of the most popular YouTube video categories is comedy. The comedy category on YouTube tends to include sketches, standup acts, and spoofs. A large number of the comedy clips found on YouTube are staged or rehearsed, but there are many others that were just taken at the spur of the moment. How can a business be funny? Maybe you could “hide” a camera in your office and catch your business partners off guard. Maybe you can covertly make fun of a well-known competitor? Or, if you just have a fun personality, you can start a video blog talking about your worst and best experiences in your industry, with funny examples.


When it comes to entertainment videos, you will find that you have a wide variety of different topics to choose from. While it is still possible to find videos that have clips of your favorite music videos, television shows, or movies, YouTube is trying to cut down on those videos, as they don’t have permission to broadcast many of them right now. Other entertainment videos include reviews of movies or television shows, gossip, or amateur reporting events. If you have an online store, you can always find a way to entertain people with reviews or information that you specialize in. If you specialize in high fashion, this is the place to add videos of models (family, friends, etc) wearing your clothing, with racy and exciting music.

Pets and Animals

As you likely already know, videos in this category are centered on pets, in one way or another. In some cases, YouTube members are showing off a new pet that they got, but many pet videos are also comedy related. A lot of YouTube members like posting videos of their pets doing something funny, unique, or cute. Does your company have a mascot? Does your cat Tigger somehow always interrupt your work flow? This is where you can show other YouTubers the pet behind the business – pet videos always get lots of views!

Travel and Places

This YouTube category also acts, in a way, to educate viewers. A lot of the videos were shot while traveling. For that reason, it is common to find tours and clips of well-known tourist attractions. If you own a brick-and-mortar store, or live in a unique location, you can take the time to do a mini-tour of your town. If you sell travel products, this is a great area to showcase your wares as well.

People and Blogs

This is where many YouTube members post personal videos about themselves. One of the most popular types of videos found under the heading of people and blogs are video blogs. These are like traditional blogs, but they are in video format. With video blogs, YouTube members often outline their day or their week for all other internet users to watch. In most cases, you will find that many of these blogs have a humorous side to them. If you can’t find another category that fits your videos, this is the place where you can establish a viewership as the person behind the business. You can blog about a topic related to your industry, or complain about the weather. Videos blogs are a free-for-all area in YouTube, where people have come to expect the unexpected.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/885791